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Completed Chiminea Pizza Cooker

Want to make your own chiminea pizza cooker with your Forney Easy Weld? Read below for our step by step instructions.


Step by Step Instructions:

Having a fire pit, chiminea, and a pizza cooker can take up a lot of space on your back patio. That gave this user the idea to create an all in one DIY chiminea pizza cooker out of an old air compressor tank. 

1. To better help you plan your cuts , use chalk to draw where to cut a lower fire door, two back open sides, and a top door for pizza.

2. Using a cutting wheel, cut everything for the lower panel fire door first, and then the two back open sides. Make sure the two back open sides are below the pizza door to ensure proper heating of the pizza chamber. Next, cut the pizza door.

3. Once both doors are cut, weld hinges from the door to the compressor tank. Both doors get two hinges, one on the top of the door and one on the bottom. Next, cut expanded metal to cover the back open sides and weld this to the compressor tank. This ensures the fire is contained but heat can get out and oxygen can get in.

4. Cut 1/2″ angle iron to weld to the back of the pizza door to prevent warping. On the lower fire door, cut out the middle section and replace it with expanded metal. Weld the expanded metal, as well as a 1/2″ piece of angle iron to the back of the door.

5. Cut out the center of the top for chimney installation. Make sure the cut is directly in the center. Cut chimney proportionate to your compressor tank size. Weld your 6″- 8″ diameter pipe to the compressor tank, both on the inside and outside to create a stronger and cleaner weld. Make a cap for the top of the chimney that will be used to protect it when not in use (optional). The cap will be made from the 1’x1′ steel plate. Cut the steel plate in a tear drop shape to the diameter of the chimney. The tear drop point will be used to attach the hardware to the chimney to create a swivel effect. Close the cap when not in use, and swivel it open when in use.

6. Next are the legs. Cut round tubing to desired length. Make sure all four legs are equal and level, and then tack weld them into place. Once the stability is on point, complete the welds.

7. Add the finishing trim on the pizza door. Use the 1/8″ plate, 2″ wide metal strip to outline the exterior pizza door. Weld these strips to every side of the pizza door except the hinge side. On the inside of the compressor tank, weld a 1/8″ plate, 2″ wide metal strip to the hinge side only.

8. Attach toggle pull latches onto the door. Two will be used for the pizza chamber and one for the lower fire door. Make handles for the pizza door and the fire door.

9. To create the pizza shelf, weld angle iron in small 1″-2″ pieces around the inside of the compressor tank. Cut expanded metal to the diameter of the inner compressor tank to rest on top of the angle iron pieces. Tack weld expanded metal to the angle iron.

10. Create a fire grate similar to the pizza shelf on the bottom of the compressor tank for the wood to sit on.

11. If you realize your chiminea pizza oven needs more heat, create back plates using the original cut outs from the air compressor (optional).

12. Drill holes in the bottom of the compressor tank below the fire grate so oxygen can get to the fire.

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